The word " stone age " is applied to elaborate a period when human beings started to learn the use of hardest material ie stone in their daily life for hunting, farming and to make a pot, etc. The stone age basically stared in an era of 2 to 2.5 million years ago ( approximately). The transition of a human being in the Stone age started around 6000 to 25000 BC from Africa which is supposed to be the place of first evolution of early human beings on the Earth.
Historians & anthropologists broadly divided the stone age into three periods of age.
This age actually began from an early period to 6000Bc.In this age man mainly oriented to hunters and food gatherers. In 1865 John Lubbock, an anthropologist termed the words" Paleolithic Age" for the first time. A human being in this era mainly made their stools for the hunting of Quartzite. Hence the human being belongs to this era is called the quartzite man.
Basically, the Paleolithic age can be divided into three successive stages on the basis of their stools made by them and according to climate changes as well.
1.Lower paleolithic age
2.Middle paleolithic age
3.upper paleolithic age
The lower paleolithic age started between 500000 to 50000BC. This age belongs to the early age of Stone Age.people of this era mainly used hand axes, cleavers, and chopping stools.
Important excavation site in India of Lower paleolithic age of the Stone Age.
Belan Valley of Madhyapradesh
Singhbhum of Jharkhand state of India
Bangor of Rajasthan
Bhimbetka of Madhyapradesh
Renugunta of Andhrapradesh
Sohan valley of West Punjab belongs to Pakistan.
The middle Paleolithic age is in between 50000 to 40000 years of age. The major stools of this age are blades, pointer, and boarer.
Main excavation sites of this middle paleolithic age of the stone age are given below:
Nevada of Maharastra of India.
Bhimbetaka of the State of Madhya Pradesh.
Singhbhum of Jharkhand districts
Bangor of Rajasthan.
The upper paleolithic Age which started between 40000 to 10000 BC. The modern man evolved from this period ( Homo sapience). Principle stools of this age are burins and scrappers. Animals like goats, sheep, and cattle found in this era.
Upper paleolithic age sites:
Kurnool caves of Andhrapradesh.
Sabarmati valley of Gujrat.
Hungsi Valley of Karnataka
Belan valley of Madhyapradesh
Pahalgam of Kashmir
Mortallayar Valley of Tamil Nadu.
Important sites of this era are given below:
Guri Gundam of Andhrapradesh
Tilwara and Bagor of the Rajasthan Districts.
Damdama of UttarPradesh.
Pachmari and Bimbetaka of Madhyapradesh.
Anghnaj of Gujrat.
Four major characteristics of this age belong to:
1.Use of polished and sophisticated stools.
2.Formation of pottery.
3.The practice of agriculture.
4.Animal domestication.
Important sites of this era are;
Mehrgarh is located in Pakisthan of the Baluchistan districts.
Kashmir valley Buzahom and Allahabad Districts.
Daojali of Assam districts.
Paiyanpalli of Tamilnadu districts.
Chirand of Bihar.
Chopani Mando of Uttarpradesh.
Sites of Chalcolithic Age
Ahar Banas of Rajasthan districts
Kayatha, Malwa of Madhyapradesh
Navesava, Daimabad of Maharastra
Historians & anthropologists broadly divided the stone age into three periods of age.
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Stone age |
1.Paleolithic Age
This age actually began from an early period to 6000Bc.In this age man mainly oriented to hunters and food gatherers. In 1865 John Lubbock, an anthropologist termed the words" Paleolithic Age" for the first time. A human being in this era mainly made their stools for the hunting of Quartzite. Hence the human being belongs to this era is called the quartzite man.
Basically, the Paleolithic age can be divided into three successive stages on the basis of their stools made by them and according to climate changes as well.
1.Lower paleolithic age
2.Middle paleolithic age
3.upper paleolithic age
The lower paleolithic age started between 500000 to 50000BC. This age belongs to the early age of Stone Age.people of this era mainly used hand axes, cleavers, and chopping stools.
Important excavation site in India of Lower paleolithic age of the Stone Age.
Belan Valley of Madhyapradesh
Singhbhum of Jharkhand state of India
Bangor of Rajasthan
Bhimbetka of Madhyapradesh
Renugunta of Andhrapradesh
Sohan valley of West Punjab belongs to Pakistan.
The middle Paleolithic age is in between 50000 to 40000 years of age. The major stools of this age are blades, pointer, and boarer.
Main excavation sites of this middle paleolithic age of the stone age are given below:
Nevada of Maharastra of India.
Bhimbetaka of the State of Madhya Pradesh.
Singhbhum of Jharkhand districts
Bangor of Rajasthan.
The upper paleolithic Age which started between 40000 to 10000 BC. The modern man evolved from this period ( Homo sapience). Principle stools of this age are burins and scrappers. Animals like goats, sheep, and cattle found in this era.
Upper paleolithic age sites:
Kurnool caves of Andhrapradesh.
Sabarmati valley of Gujrat.
Hungsi Valley of Karnataka
Belan valley of Madhyapradesh
Pahalgam of Kashmir
Mortallayar Valley of Tamil Nadu.
2. Mesolithic Age of the stone Age
This age lies between 9000 to 4000 BC, this age is termed as a microlithic age technically because of small sharp pointed stools used by people. People of this era were hunters and herders, so they domesticated several animals like cows, horses and other poultry animals.Important sites of this era are given below:
Guri Gundam of Andhrapradesh
Tilwara and Bagor of the Rajasthan Districts.
Damdama of UttarPradesh.
Pachmari and Bimbetaka of Madhyapradesh.
Anghnaj of Gujrat.
3.Neolithic Age
Neolithic age is the last phrase of the stone age. This age is characterized by the use of polished tools made of stone and they started to cultivate multiple crops. Two major inventions like The wheel & The fire were learned by them.Four major characteristics of this age belong to:
1.Use of polished and sophisticated stools.
2.Formation of pottery.
3.The practice of agriculture.
4.Animal domestication.
Important sites of this era are;
Mehrgarh is located in Pakisthan of the Baluchistan districts.
Kashmir valley Buzahom and Allahabad Districts.
Daojali of Assam districts.
Paiyanpalli of Tamilnadu districts.
Chirand of Bihar.
Chopani Mando of Uttarpradesh.
Chalcolithic Age ( 1800 to 1000 Bc)
People of this era learned to use the copper and bronze to make tools. Sites of these mainly found in the upper Gangetic basin, Karnataka, near the bank of river Narmada and Chota Nagpur plateu.people of this age practiced Jhum cultivation and never used plough or its share.Sites of Chalcolithic Age
Ahar Banas of Rajasthan districts
Kayatha, Malwa of Madhyapradesh
Navesava, Daimabad of Maharastra
classification 0f stone age in india-palaeolithic age,neolithic age
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6:37 AM

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